Friday, December 20, 2013

Favorite project

This final was my favorite project because it was the project that I could express myself the most through, I was able to use my imagination to theme my teapot however I wanted to.  I didn't really use many techniques I hadn't used before because this was the last project and I had already learned and demonstrated the skills i had learned on other projects.  In this project, I used coils for the pot and decorations, a pinch pot for the lid and slabs to create the spout and wheels.  i glazed this piece using stroke-n-coats and I chose the colors based on the actual colors of Cinderella's carriage from the movie.  When I saw this piece completed, it was the best feeling, I was immensely proud of myself and knew that this would be the project that I would remember from ceramics.  This project was a huge success!!!!!

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